

Monday 8/2/21 - Tim Updates

1:00pm - Good turn of events. A tech came in and unhooked Tim’s electrodes for the EEG. She said they didn’t need him to do the 24 he test someone ordered this morning. A doctor would be in later to go over everything. That means he can get his MRI done now. So hopefully it means more answers sooner.

9:30am - So Tim was transferred Tim to the neuro unit at Saint Joseph/Barrow late last night, mainly because they can monitor brain activity 24/7. I was able to speak to the Neurologist this am as he did rounds. Since it's a teaching hospital, he had 5 residents with him so he's got LOTS of eyes on him. {Feels like I’m in an episode of Grays anatomy with all the neuro docs! lol!} Tim is hooked up to an EEG so has wires everywhere. They will monitor him for at least 24 hours and then decide if he needs to stay hooked up longer. They also want to do an MRI, but have to wait until the EEG wires are removed. means another night here in the hospital waiting for all the tests. Hopefully it will help them figure out how to help him.