

Tim Stroke


2/13/13 - Ok...just setting up the email for Tim updates. He is in the hospital so we need your prayers to get him to Danielle's wedding Saturday!! Cat-scan is negative and he is getting brain and neck MRI and they drew tons if blood. will be transferred from ER to neuro unit and will be seen by doctor on call and his docs in the am. He has been very confused and weak since yesterday so we are trying to find out why.
will let u know when I find anything out.

2/14/13 - Not much more to report. We still haven't seen the doctor on call who will interpret his results. so far they don't think there are any other serious issues like tumor regrowth. He is talking better and took a walk with the PT and did fine. So other than having a little difficulty with some he couldn't remember the name if his dessert at lunch...about 10 min later he said it was a brownie, he is doing ok.
Will hopefully see the on call doctor this evening so we an find out when he will be released and if he can fly.

2/15/13 - Dr Leppla (Tim's neurosurgeon) came in and confirmed he had a stroke ...but said the good thing is no tumor regrowth. He explained that radiation zaps some of the micro blood vessels (told some of you nerves) in brain and that is likely what caused stroke. Tim hasn't had a headache since tues and his pain mgmt doc has seen some patients not have headaches after a pray that is the case for tim!
He is talking much better and has no paralysis. Just need to see the stroke doc and then he will be released. Leppla and neuro unit doc said he can fly. Altitude would not aggravate problem..but stroke doc must  agree. So hopefully we will be leaving today and in sunny AZ for the wedding tomorrow!!
Thanks for all your support and prayers!
Lori and Tim

Not such good news this morning. Just found out tim had a stroke...they r doing more tests and a speech therapist with him now doing a swallow test. he can swallow and breathe ok.  She is also doing a cognitive test which is good. Luckily he has not lost any functions in arm or legs. speech is very limited and he can only speak with 1 or 2 word response. Very difficult to form sentences. He can explain things but hard to identify or remember specific words. He will need speech therapy but is doing relatively well.
I will be taking to stroke doctor soon to see what steps r next. He will be in the hospital at least 1 more night.

2/24/13 - Just wanted to send an update on tim. He is still sleeping a lot but doctors say that is normal. Trying to get him up more and walk him around the house. He still is a bit slow with talking and sometimes confused on what he is trying to say. He does need to see a speech therapist and stroke doctor so just waiting for those referrals. Also will see physical therapist because he's been so sedentary for so long. So far he's only has one minor headache since all this!! So if there is a silver lining that would be it! Trying to talk to him about moving to Az...sorry Utah folks but boys are more willing to move if we go Arizona direction. Can't go wrong either place because we would have better selection of docs. our bishops family is also interested in buying our house so will be talking to them and a realtor about next will keep you posted.
I'm off the rest of this week and then back to school next week. Austin is on break for next month and them I have a break last 2 weeks of march beginning of April. Talking about sending Tim to Utah but no more non-stops on SWA and delta flights are a small fortune. Plus he has PT and endocrinologist appts and needs to see stroke doc and speech therapists so will need to be home a few more weeks until we find out what next steps are. Anyone wanna come babysit Tim and Austin for next 2 weeks??!!!

Never a dull moment at our house.

2/15/13 - Raleigh Johnson to me

The Lord works in mysterious ways!!!    This is exactly what I have been praying for.  When we first knelt in prayer for Tim, I had the impression that  this incident would be a blessing to him and cause his headaches to stop.    So that is what we have been praying for.  We will continue praying that this will not be a temporary condition, but will be permanent.  I'm sure the Lord is answering your prayers, and fulfilling the blessings that have been given to  Tim.
God bless you, we love you,